
All the Light We Cannot See: A Novel By Anthony Doerr | Conversation Starters

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All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr | Conversation StartersA Brief Look Inside:All the Light We Cannot See, the second novel from Anthony Doerr, takes place during World War II. It tells the story of a young, blind girl living in Paris with her father. The pair must escape as the War nears Paris, but not without taking the precious, and highly sought after, Sea of Flames. Marie-Laure and her father travel to Saint-Malo to live with Uncle Etienne and Madame Manec.On the other side of the story, Werner Pfennig is a young boy growing up in Germany. He takes a special interest in electronics and radios. He becomes so skilled that he gains the attention of the Nazis and enters their training program. He eventually arrives in Saint-Malo and must make a decision that will change the life of Marie-Laure.All the Light We Cannot See gained worldwide attention when it won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 2015 and was a finalist for the National Book Award in 2014. EVERY GOOD BOOK CONTAINS A WORLD FAR DEEPERthan the surface of its pages. The characters and their world come alive, and the characters and its world still live on. Conversation Starters is peppered with questions designed tobring us beneath the surface of the pageand invite us into the world that lives on. These questions can be used to..Create Hours of Conversation:•Foster a deeper understanding of the book•Promote an atmosphere of discussion for groups•Assist in the study of the book, either individually or corporately•Explore unseen realms of the book as never seen beforeDisclaimer: This book you are about to enjoy is an independent resource to supplement the original book, enhancing your experience of All the Light We Cannot See. If you have not yet purchased a copy of the original book, please do before purchasing this unofficial Conversation Starters.Download your copy todayRead it on your PC, Mac, iOS or Android smartphone, tablet devices.
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