Adrian Besley


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Seven men. Seven years. 31 million Twitter followers. 11 billion YouTube views. 13 billion Spotify streams. Sold out world tours. BTS are a global phenomenon — this is their story.
This fully revised and updated edition of the bestselling biography covers their journey from debut to Map of the Soul: 7, and looks at how this group of guys from South Korea have taken over the world.
RM, Jin, SUGA, j-hope, Jimin, V and Jungkook can sing, dance and rap, and write and produce their own music too. From humble beginnings at a small agency to topping charts all over the world, their story is truly incredible, and testament to the amazing talent and hard work of each of the members. Their dedicated fanbase, ARMY, have supported them through thick and thin, celebrating triumphs alongside their idols and pushing them to ever-greater heights.
Extensively researched, and written in an upbeat and accessible style, this book interweaves the backstories of each of the members with the narrative of the band as a whole, their modest debut and their astonishing rise to fame in their home country and beyond. It also includes 16 pages of full colour photographs of the band performing, posing and having fun.
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