Tawny Taylor


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I was his.
To touch.
Any time he wanted.
Abby is ready to agree to anything to stop her brother from going to prison, but Kameron Maldondo, the owner of MalTech Corporation, is asking for the unexpected. Enthralled by his commanding brilliance, she agrees to be his assistant, at his beck and call for whatever he needs--whenever and however he wants. What that means is for him to decide and for her to submit to. Frightened yet fascinated by what he promises, Abby becomes a willing captive to his caress, undone by his peerless touch, a quivering submission to an aching need for complete carnal surrender. . .
Praise for Tawny Taylor
“Scorching hot. . .a heady mix of BDSM and thrill.” --Romantic Times on Dangerous Master
“Delicious taboo sex and intrigue. . .irresistible!” --Eden Bradley on Darkest Fire
“Absolutely delicious!” --Kate Douglas on Dark Master
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