Patsy Clairmont

The Shoe Box

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Wearing the wrong shoes can really ruin a perfectly nice day. In this visually inviting book, best-selling author and Women of Faith speaker Patsy Clairmont demonstrates how God guides our feet daily, helping women to “wear” the nine fruits of the Spirit. With words both whimsical and profound, Patsy teaches readers how to: strap on the sandals of kindness lace up the ballet slippers of joy glide into the penny loafers of patience tie up the tennis shoes of self control pull on the boots of peaceslip into the house slippers of gentleness The imaginative two-color design and interactive features-such as a shoe box to “open” at the end of each chapter-make this book an ideal gift. The Shoe Box is small in stature, but it carries an enormous message: with the right shoes, your feet are ready to walk in service for Christ.
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