One personal account with a probable extrasensory perception (ESP) experience will be indulged in, together with some of the questions such experiences raise. Although this is anecdotal and does not reach the criteria of statistical exactitude expected by you the reader, it does serve as an example by which to explore together the fascinating phenomena which inspire and enthrall both self-help writers and readers alike.
Azr Dumpidézettelőző év
you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes” —Andrew Carnegie, industrialist and philanthropist
Azr Dumpidézettelőző év
“No pleasure is comparable to the study upon the vantage ground of truth.” —Francis Bacon
Azr Dumpidézettelőző év
“The last thing in nature that man will understand is the performance of his brain.” —John C. Eccles, 1977, scientist
Azr Dumpidézettelőző év
“Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a stroke of luck” —The Dalai Lama
Nita Maharaniidézettelőző év
Reality is just an illusion, although a very persistent one.
Nita Maharaniidézettelőző év
your brain cannot distinguish between what is real or illusory, and it is always an illusion anyway.
nonisneptuneidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes” —Andrew Carnegie, industrialist and philanthropist