bookmate game
Lisa Kleypas

It Happened One Autumn

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Four young ladies enter London society with one necessary goal:they must use their feminine wit and wiles to find a husband. So they band together, and a daring husband-hunting scheme is born.
It Happened at the Ball…
Where beautiful but bold Lillian Bowman quickly learned that her independent American ways weren't entirely “the thing.” And the most disapproving of all was insufferable, snobbish, and impossible Marcus, Lord Westcliff, London's most eligible aristocrat.
It Happened in the Garden…
When Marcus shockingly — and dangerously–swept her into his arms. Lillian was overcome with a consuming passion for a man she didn't even like. Time stood still; it was as if no one else existed…thank goodness they weren't caught very nearly in the act!
It Happened One Autumn…
Marcus was a man in charge of his own emotions, a bedrock of stability. But with Lillian, every touch was exquisite torture, every kiss an enticement for more. Yet how could he consider taking a woman so blatantly unsuitable…as his bride?
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386 nyomtatott oldalak
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  • Chalotte Emanuelmegosztott egy benyomást7 évvel ezelőtt

    Altid god!

  • Johnson Ndisemeke Paulmegosztott egy benyomást8 évvel ezelőtt

    Catchy. Very captivating n funny

  • hadiza rabi'umegosztott egy benyomást2 évvel ezelőtt
    🌴Nyaralós könyv


  • Hannah Joy Lopezidézett3 hónappal ezelőtt
    “Good evening, my lord, and thank you for—”


  • Hannah Joy Lopezidézett3 hónappal ezelőtt
    “Then I suppose this waltz will be our first and our last,”
  • Hannah Joy Lopezidézett3 hónappal ezelőtt
    “It was a mistake for us to dance.”


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