bookmate game
Neil Gaiman


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There is something strange about Coraline's new home. It's not the mist, or the cat that always seems to be watching her, nor the signs of danger that Miss Spink and Miss Forcible, her new neighbours, read in the tea leaves. It's the other house — the one behind the old door in the drawing room. Another mother and father with black-button eyes and papery skin are waiting for Coraline to join them there. And they want her to stay with them. For ever. She knows that if she ventures through that door, she may never come back.
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130 nyomtatott oldalak
Kiadás éve
Chris Riddell
Már olvasta? Mit gondol róla?


  • Heryani SUmegosztott egy benyomást7 évvel ezelőtt

    I envy Coraline so much. I'm not a brave kid like her when I was about her age. I love this story so much.

  • Aletz Grifinmegosztott egy benyomást5 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni

    Genial, simplemente.

  • 🌸Lara🌸megosztott egy benyomást4 évvel ezelőtt

    "You can never be too old to read Coraline"


  • Aiturgan Talantidézett9 évvel ezelőtt
    being brave doesn’t mean you aren’t scared. Being brave means you are scared, really scared, badly scared, and you do the right thing anyway.
  • Анна П.idézett7 évvel ezelőtt
    Now, you people have names. That’s because you don’t know who you are. We know who we are, so we don’t need names.
  • Перевралова невестаidézett9 évvel ezelőtt
    The sky had never seemed so sky; the world had never seemed so world.


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