Brigit Binns


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All the recipes you need to help you start pizza-baking at home—from the classic Margherita pie to inspired innovations like Jerk Chicken Pizza.
If you love pizza, consider the delicious satisfaction of making it at home using fresh, wholesome ingredients and according to your own exacting specifications. Thick, chewy crust or thin, crackery crust. Tomato sauce or sliced fresh tomatoes. Generous with the cheese or light on the toppings.
With this book in your kitchen, you can bake up Italian classics like Pizza Margherita; American favorites like Classic Pepperoni; inspired appetizers like Pizzette with Garlic, Mushrooms, and Goat Cheese; and even pizza cousins like calzone and stromboli. Fire up the oven and invite your friends and family over for an array of delectable homemade and handcrafted pizzas.
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  • Dušica Gavrilovi殩™ Novi Pazar, Srbija ©®™idézettelőző év
    Pizza is Italian in origin, but this humble flatbread with savory toppings has captured the attention of the entire planet.


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