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Summary: How to win friends and influence people Dale Carnegie

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This work offers a summary of the book “HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE: The AllTime Classic Manual Of People Skills” by Dale Carnegie.

How to Win Friends and Influence People is a classic, bestselling book that has set the bar for people skills manuals. It should be part of every businessperson's bookshelf, but is also useful for anyone looking to improve relationships.

Dale Carnegie posits that no matter your occupation, goals, ambitions of position in a company, dealing with people is your biggest challenge. If you learn how to do so effectively, though, you will reap the rewards in profitability, productivity and morale. It's much better to work together with people, rather than against them. Carnegie explains the best way to criticize people, how best to motivate them and how to become a good conversationalist. He urges the reader to be interested in other people, and strive at all times to make a good first impression. Remember people's names, he suggests, and try to avoid arguments at all costs.

How to Win Friends and Influence People is based on a simple foundation: you cannot change other people, only change the way you relate to them. Dale Carnegie has laid out a watershed blueprint for how to do that.
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