bookmate game
Cassandra Clare,Sarah Rees Brennan

The Land I Lost (Ghosts of the Shadow Market Book 7)

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  • Heidi Schmidt Hottidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    “That hellborn brat,” Magnus muttered. “I read him eight stories.”

  • Heidi Schmidt Hottidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    “What a handsome end to a long night,” Lily said delightedly. “If it isn’t the former Brother Snackariah.”

    “Lily!” Alec exclaimed.
  • Heidi Schmidt Hottidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    “I think I know who you mean,” Juliette said. “They were asking for admittance a few nights back, weren’t they? I heard the man was handsome.”

    “Boy, did you hear right,” said Lily.

    Juliette’s smile spread. “There really are some very handsome Nephilim around.”

    “Uh, I guess,” said Alec. “I don’t really think about Jem that way.”

    “How can you be good at archery, when you’re so blind?” Lily demanded.
  • Heidi Schmidt Hottidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    Ah yes.” Lily brightened. “I’m very curious to see how the hottest Shadowhunter in the world is doing.”

    “I’m great,” said Jace.

    Lily tapped her foot. “Nobody’s talking about you, Jason. Have you heard the phrase ‘tall, dark, and handsome’?”

    “Sounds like an old-fashioned saying,” said Jace. “Sounds like something people used to say before I was born.”
  • Heidi Schmidt Hottidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    “I don’t mean to brag. I’m just saying that if they made a book of hot Shadowhunters, my illustration would be on every page,” Jace said serenely.

    “Nope,” said Lily. “It would be filled with pictures of the Carstairs family.”
  • Heidi Schmidt Hottidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    Not yet. We had a bit of a late morning yesterday. There was an incident. Well, more a disaster.”

    “What caused this disaster?”

    “Well,” Elliott said. “Me, like usual. But this time it really wasn’t my fault!
  • Heidi Schmidt Hottidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    Lily lit up. “Do I want to come on a bro road trip with you, rushing to the aid of gorgeous damsel in distress, Jem I’d-love-to-climb-’em Carstairs?”

    “So, yes.”

    Lily’s smile was wide enough to show fangs. “Hell yes.”
  • timofeevasvetlanaidézett6 évvel ezelőtt
    “You do realize she gets to go to the Jem-nasium anytime she wants?”
  • timofeevasvetlanaidézett6 évvel ezelőtt
    What are you looking at, you delicious peanut-butter-and-Jem sandwich?”
  • timofeevasvetlanaidézett6 évvel ezelőtt
    I don’t mean to brag. I’m just saying that if they made a book of hot Shadowhunters, my illustration would be on every page,” Jace said serenely
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