Brian Panowich

Bull Mountain

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Clayton Burroughs is sheriff of Bull Mountain and black sheep of the brutal and blood-steeped Burroughs clan. In the forties and fifties, the family ran moonshine over six state lines. In the sixties and seventies, they farmed the largest marijuana crop on the East Coast, and now they are the dominant suppliers of methamphetamine in the South.

An uneasy pact exists between the law man and his folk, but when a federal agent shows up in Clayton's office with a plan to shut down Bull Mountain, his agenda will pit brother against brother and set Clayton on the path to self-destruction.

BULL MOUNTAIN is a story about family, and the lengths men will go to protect it, honour it, or, in some cases, destroy it.

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  • rodquev11idézett9 évvel ezelőtt
    Holly dug into his pants pocket, pulled out a silver flip phone, and handed it to Clayton. “Here,” he said. “Hit send after you dial.”
    Clayton took the phone and smirked at Holly. “The hillbilly sheriff knows how to work a cell phone.”
  • rodquev11idézett9 évvel ezelőtt
    Hal looked rested and content as the burning man’s screams became something else. Something unnatural. Clayton would never forget that sound. He wondered if Hal could even hear it at all, or if all he heard were the hornets.
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