Dusty Richards

Deadly Is the Night

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In the latest installment of his epic Byrnes family saga, Western Heritage and Spur Award-winning author Dusty Richards tells of the blood that was spilled trying to make Arizona Territory a good place to live . . .
Building a ranching empire is one thing, keeping it out of the hands of robbers, kidnappers, murderers, embezzlers, and every no good opportunist crawling through the Arizona desert is a daily grind for Chet Byrnes. He’s just as likely to rescue a stolen daughter as he is to recover rustled cattle on any given day. But with a family to keep safe and enough real target practice to keep his aim deadly, nothing’s going to stop Chet from bringing his ranch into a bold new era. And if that means he’ll have to go to war to run a new telegraph line through the godforsaken territories, he’s got the manpower, the willpower, and the bullets to light up the night with blood . . .
“Dusty takes readers into the real west at full gallop.” —New York Times bestselling author Jodi Thomas
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