Martine McDonagh

Narcissism for Beginners

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  • Yaroslav Kachuraidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    woke up that morning I turned twenty-one I’d decided it was probably time to man up, grow some cojones. So instead of scuttling off to my room I sat back, took a couple deep breaths and a couple more bites from my butty (do you think about me biting someone’s ass when I say that? I do) to get back in balance, to overthrow old habits, and then I dove my hand right back into the bag and pulled out the next gift.
  • Yaroslav Kachuraidézett6 évvel ezelőtt
    And don’t try to enchant me with your manner of dress
    ’Cause a monkey in silk is a monkey no less
    So measure for measure reflect on my said
    And when I won’t see ya
    Then measure it dead.

    ‘Like Janis’, Rodriguez
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