Anton Chekhov

The Horse-Stealers and Other Stories

246 nyomtatott oldalak
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  • Ирина Осипенкоidézett3 évvel ezelőtt
    Two carts drove by on the road; in one of them there was a woman asleep, in the other sat an old man without a cap on.
  • Ирина Осипенкоidézett3 évvel ezelőtt
    He took a poker from the kitchen to keep off the dogs, and went out into the yard, leaving the door open.
  • Ирина Осипенкоidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    The first room into which he went was large and very hot, and smelt of freshly washed floors. A short, lean peasant of about forty, with a small, fair beard, wearing a dark blue shirt, was sitting at the table under the holy images. It was Kalashnikov, an arrant scoundrel and horse-stealer, whose father and uncle kept a tavern in Bogalyovka, and disposed of the stolen horses where they could. He too had been to the hospital more than once, not for medical treatment, but to see the doctor about horses--to ask whether he had not one for sale, and whether his honour would not like to swop his bay mare for a dun-coloured gelding. Now his head was pomaded and a silver ear-ring glittered in his ear, and altogether he had a holiday air.


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