bookmate game
Sarah J.Maas

The Assassin and the Pirate Lord

  • Andrew De Leonidézett12 órával ezelőtt
    “Perhaps if you hadn’t been reading all night, you wouldn’t be so exhausted,”
  • Tigerlily Staffidézettelőző hónap
    “If you’d been there, you
  • b6605033033idézett2 hónappal ezelőtt
    Celaena rested her head against the wooden wall, listening to the sound of his breathing as the long hours of the night stretched by.
  • Khadijaidézett3 hónappal ezelőtt
    When Arobynn summoned you, you didn’t keep him waiting.
  • Chiara Perignatováidézett5 hónappal ezelőtt
    Seated in the council room of the Assassin’s Keep
  • b7832793200idézett6 hónappal ezelőtt
    knew what his presence meant: a watchdog. Not that she’d do
  • shaimaali4322idézett7 hónappal ezelőtt
    Just so you know,” she said, speaking to all of them but still watching Sam, “I’m going to retrieve Ben’s body.” A muscle feathered in Sam’s jaw, though he wisely kept his eyes averted. “But don’t expect me to extend the same courtesy to the rest of you when your time comes.”


  • Ishtiak Charza _ 34idézettelőző év
    Skull’s Bay was on an island,
  • Ishtiak Charza _ 34idézettelőző év
    the archipelago of the Dead Islands.
  • Ishtiak Charza _ 34idézettelőző év
    they were already two hours behind schedule. Not when they were meeting in his office.
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