bookmate game
Brandon Sanderson

The Mistborn Trilogy

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  • roramegosztott egy benyomást7 évvel ezelőtt

    Finished the trilogy in a long time, i tended to read fast, but i couldnt so with these books. First book is boring, flat, expected and flowed naturally, but i didnt stop reading it. There's thing that made me keep reading.
    Afterall i see the trilogy sounds scholarly. I guess that's why i kept reading it in the first place. The "vibe" is so 'matter of affectly' tune in the way of telling the story. Much of this story content of religions and belief. It gives me more sights to how i see religion as organization,culture and how i see that the religion's theory in this story applied to the real world. I suspect that the writer is somewhat learning about theology or probably a philoshoper himself.

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