Anthony DeStefano

Mob Killer

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A Crazed Killer
He dissolved the bodies of some of his victims in acid and poured them down the sewer. He hung grisly souvenirs on nails in his junkyard.
La Costra Nostra
Charles Carneglia was a stone-cold killer who fell in with the bloodthirsty John Gotti crew. As the infamous crime family rose to power with their murderous trail of sex, jealousy, greed, and revenge, Carneglia rose with them.
Mafia, Madness And Murder
This is the horrifying story of a misfit who fit perfectly into the New York mafia. In a harrowing journey inside a ruthless criminal underworld, Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Anthony M. DeStefano chronicles one man's life in a world of depraved acts of violence and the horrors that went with being a member of the Gambino family.
“Thrilling American crime writing.” -Jimmy Breslin on King of the Godfathers
Includes 16 Pages of Shocking Photos
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