Steve Bridger

Transform Your Communication Skills

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Invaluable advice to: Overcome Public Speaking Nerves, Write Effectively, Present Professionally. Transform Your Communication Skills is a collaboration of 11 coaching professionals that will positively develop readers speaking, writing and presenting talents in their working and personal lives. This book provides practical self-help advice on a conversational level for easy understanding. It spans the common elements of communication, of public speaking, of knowing how to prepare and deliver a presentation and how to dramatically improve personal writing skills. Transform Your Communication Skills is a comprehensive reference book written for everyday use. It is structured with modular chapters to allow readers to access information on a particular issue for the first time or as a handy reminder as they progress. The final reference section concentrates on punctuation points and includes an A-Z of useful terms. The enduring benefits are for readers to learn how to manage nerves when speaking in public, create engaging presentations time after time and develop writing skills to produce effective results – to influence, to encourage, to prompt action. By learning these skills readers will fast track their careers or improve their normal working lives, become more confident in their personal abilities and be better placed to fulfil their potential and achieve positive and long lasting change.
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