Zuri Day

Diamond Dreams

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{"strong"=>["A dazzling dynasty. "]}
As the only daughter of southern California’s most famous wine dynasty, Diamond Drake devotes all her waking hours to the family business. Burned by love, she’s sworn to give her heart only to the man who puts a ring on her finger. But self-made construction millionaire Jackson Wright is already sweeping her up in a whirlwind romance. Is he the real thing? Or will the sinfully sexy bachelor prove to be all flash and no substance? A love that’s her true destiny…
From the moment he sees her, Jackson is dazzled by the stunning, sultry Diamond. He knows it’s dangerous to mix business with the pleasure. If only Diamond will say yes to a future glittering with their passion and love…
{"em"=>["The Drakes of California In the sparkling vineyards of California, destiny and desire are about to collide."]}
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