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Jeni Purdie

Life Coaching For Dummies

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Become a life coach-for yourself and others-with this practical, informative guide
If you're interested in doing away with negative beliefs, making a significant change in your life, and, finally, create-and live-the life you want, life coaching is the key. In this practical introduction, you will learn the empowering techniques essential to life coaching-including putting together an action plan, getting your priorities straight, staying focused, defining true success, overcoming common obstacles, and coaching yourself to happiness.
With more information than ever before, this new updated edition includes material on emotional intelligence and active listeningWith insights on what to expect from life coaching and how to develop your own life coaching techniques, the book offers sound advice on what it takes to become a professional life coach. If you simply want to create more balance in your life, become more productive, and enjoy a more fulfilling existence, Life Coaching For Dummies holds the answer.
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473 nyomtatott oldalak
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  • YurAndridézett7 évvel ezelőtt
    Finding a meaningful way to achieve your goal is especially important if your goal is to give up a bad habit.
  • YurAndridézett8 évvel ezelőtt
    A good idea is to work with a professional life coach for a period early on in your coaching journey, and to return to working with a coach at times during your life when you need extra support.
  • YurAndridézett8 évvel ezelőtt
    Finding a meaningful way to achieve your goal is especially important if your goal is to give up a bad habit.


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