Jean Fritz

Great Little Madison

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In the days before microphones and TV interviews, getting people to listen to you was not an easy task. But James Madison used his quiet eloquence, intelligence and passion for unified colonies to help shape the Constitution, steer America through the turmoil of two wars, and ensure that our government, and nation, remained intact.u?An excellent, fascinating, indispensable resource.? --Kirkus Reviews, pointer review?The book is rich in the sort of detail that illuminates the man, but is not limited to personal information; a great deal of government history is woven into the biography.? --Horn Book, starred review?Fritz has given a vivid picture of the man and an equally vivid picture of the problems that faced the leaders of the new nation in the formative years.? --The Bulletin of the Center for Children?s Books, starred review?Young readers will feel like they know the? Great Little Madison? very well.? --School Library Journal
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