Bree Wolf

Sacrificed & Reclaimed

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A grieving widow. A tortured hero. And a fateful love.
EDWARD DUNNING had it all: a beautiful home, two adorable children and a wife who was his other half. Only he wanted more. He wanted more than an ordinary life. So he went to war.
And did not return.
In the blink of an eye, MEAGAN DUNNING lost her husband, her future, her dreams. Until, in the very moment when she found her way back into life, her husband − presumed dead for over two years − shows up on her doorstep unexpectedly.
Broken by the horrors of war, Edward is a far cry from the man Meagan lost her heart to. Still, fierce love never dies, and Meagan is more than willing to battle the darkness in her husband’s soul to reclaim his heart.
Will Meagan succeed? Or has Edward given up hope long ago?
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