It will continue as long as men feel threatened by the autonomy of “the other sex”.
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Women such as Gerda Wegener, Margit Gaal, Susanne Ballivet, Charlotte Behrend-Corinth, and others created works in celebration of love.
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Homosexuality may be contrary to culturally conditioned norms but it is one of the basic forms of the possible variations of human love.
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Plato’s spherical human beings find their way back to their original wholeness for an instant when they are freed from their mono-sexuality by projection and identification
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Female sexuality is infantilised, indeed negated, as “fooling around”.
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The phallocratic attempt to masculinise the lesbian woman must be regarded as a failed attempt to re-establish the phallus as the central focus of sexuality.
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There is no doubt that the general anti-feminism of countless theologians owed its origin to a latent fear of women.
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the Goddess Bona Dea
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Each of us is, therefore one half of a spherical being because we have been cut in two. Everyone is continually in search of his or her other half.
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“why two seek to become one since we were once unseparated wholes. The desire and the striving towards wholeness are thus given the name of Eros.”