David Cochran,Carl A. Reese,Jr.A.

Southeastern Geographer

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Table of Contents for Volume 52, Number 1 (Spring 2012)Cover ArtA Section of the Kansas City Southern in Hattiesburg, MississippiDavid M. Cochran, Jr.IntroductionDavid M. Cochran, Jr. and Carl A. ReesePart I: PapersSpatial and Temporal Variations in West Virginia's Precipitation, 1931–2000James Leonard and Kevin LawThe Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper Individual Fishing Quota Program in Florida: Perceptions and ImplicationsKamal Alsharif and Nathan MillerReflections in the Water: Society and Recreational Facilities, a Case Study of Public Swimming Pools in MississippiP. Caleb SmithLocal Food Initiatives in Tobacco Transitions of the Southeastern United StatesRichard A. RussoA GIS-Based Football Stadium Evacuation ModelJoslyn J. Zale and Bandana KarPart II: Geographical NotesThe Origin and Appreciation of Savannah, Georgia's Historic City SquaresLouis De VorseyPart III: ReviewsLouisiana Place Names of Indian Origin, A Collection of WordsWilliam A. Read, edited by George M. RiserReviewed by Andy HilburnThe SAGE Handbook of Geographical KnowledgeEdited by John Agnew and David N. LivingstoneReviewed by J. O. Joby Bass
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