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Barbara Oakley

A Mind For Numbers

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Whether you are a student struggling to fulfill a math or science requirement, or you are embarking on a career change that requires a higher level of math competency, A Mind for Numbers offers the tools you need to get a better grasp of that intimidating but inescapable field. Engineering professor Barbara Oakley knows firsthand how it feels to struggle with math. She flunked her way through high school math and science courses, before enlisting in the army immediately after graduation. When she saw how her lack of mathematical and technical savvy severely limited her options—both to rise in the military and to explore other careers—she returned to school with a newfound determination to re-tool her brain to master the very subjects that had given her so much trouble throughout her entire life. In A Mind for Numbers, Dr. Oakley lets us in on the secrets to effectively learning math and science—secrets that even dedicated and successful…
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  • Evamegosztott egy benyomást3 évvel ezelőtt
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  • Sai Mahendramegosztott egy benyomást5 évvel ezelőtt
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  • Alexandra Bugaidézettelőző év
    Try to touch again on something you’re learning within a day, especially if it’s new and rather challenging.
  • Blagoje Mirosavljevicidézett3 hónappal ezelőtt
    You will find many more insights and techniques about how to learn effectively in this fascinating and timely book, which looks at learning as an adventure rather than hard labor.
  • Alexandra Bugaidézettelőző év
    Intention to learn is helpful only if it leads to the use of good learning strategies.”12


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