Thomas Jackson

Policing Ferguson, Policing America

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The shooting of Michael Brown sparked a national debate on race relations and law enforcement. Here is the insider’s account you never saw in the media.
Following the fatal shooting in broad daylight of unarmed African American Michael Brown by a white cop in August 2014, Ferguson, Missouri became the scene of protests that pitted police against locals and Black Lives Matter activists.
Here, former Ferguson police chief Tom Jackson tells the side of the story that you never got to hear about the incident, the aftermath, and the facts versus the lies. He also shows how in any racially-provocative situation, the uninformed media actually fans the flames of unrest and exploits the situation. Because in today’s minute-by minute news cycle, infotainment has become more important than truth, while social media reactionaries spreads the news without providing context. 
Policing Ferguson, Policing America is the book that finally tells the inside story of what happened in Ferguson and how the good guys became the bad guys through media and political distortion. So if you want to understand what happened in Ferguson for real, “Policing Ferguson is a must read” (Kevin Jackson, author of The BIG Black Lie).
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