Caroline Lockhart

Five Books

This file includes: Me-Smith, The Lady Doc, The Man Fromthe Bitter Roots, The Fighting Sheperdess, and The Dude Wrangler. According to Wikipedia: “Caroline Lockhart was born in Eagle Point, Illinois on February 24, 1871. She grew up on a ranch in Kansas. She attended Bethany College in Topeka, Kansas and the Moravian Seminary in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. A failed actress, she became a reporter for the Boston Post and later for the Philadelphia Bulletin. She also started writing short stories. In 1904, she moved to Cody, Wyoming to write a feature article about the Blackfoot Indians, and settled there. She started writing novels and her second novel, The Lady Doc, was based on life in Cody. In 1918–1919, she lived in Denver, Colorado and worked as a reporter for The Denver Post. In 1919, her novel The Fighting Shepherdess, loosely based on the life of sheepherder Lucy Morrison Moore, was made into a movie starring Lenore J. Coffee, Anita Stewart and William Farnham. So was her early novel, The Man from the Bitter Roots. She also met with Douglas Fairbanks about adapting The Dude Wrangler.”
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