there was the troubling entry in Errol’s Compleat Pirate Dictionary: “Rape: SEE WOMEN, TREATMENT OF.”
Дарья Бизяноваidézett8 évvel ezelőtt
He knew of course that she had not been sorry while she was throwing makeup into her pockets. She was sorry later, at the moment she got caught. If people were sorry beforehand, they wouldn’t do things.
Дарья Бизяноваidézett8 évvel ezelőtt
He never uncrumpled the ball, but he still wrote her letters in his head: Dear Renée, What are your goddamn needs?
Дарья Бизяноваidézett8 évvel ezelőtt
but at the time this story takes place, most people bought places they couldn’t afford. Just eighteen months earlier, when the building was built, an advertisement was hung out for all the traffic to see: IF YOU LIVED HERE, YOU’D BE HOME NOW.