Casey Watson

The Little Princess

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Six-year-old Darby arrives on Casey’s doorstep terrified and hysterical. As Casey tries to soothe the little girl she realises that this is likely to be one of the most difficult placements she had ever had to deal with…
Casey is shocked to answer the door on a Sunday afternoon, the week before Christmas, to find John Fulshaw on her doorstep — unannounced and looking very serious. John explains why’s he’s come, and the Watsons sit and listen, shocked and sickened, as he describes the most recent child to appear under his radar.
Six year old Darby Sykes has been taken into care just a couple of hours back, as a result of a known paedophile getting in touch with the local police, having been so sickened by something he’s seen online. Even in his murky world, this was depravity above and beyond — he recognised the little girl as being one who lived on his estate.
Swift action has been taken — Darby has been removed from her home, and John believes that Casey and Mike are the best people to support this small terrified child while a long term plan of action is decided.
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