Nicole Johnson

Stepping into the Ring

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«Finding out I had cancer was like going to sleep in my own bed and suddenly waking up in the middle of a boxing ring. Out of the clear blue I am standing toe-to-toe with the Heavyweight Champion of the World, the crowd is looking on, and I am in my pajamas and don’t even know how to throw a punch.”
Stepping into the Ring is the 2002 Women of Faith® drama sketch by Nicole Johnson, possibly her most powerful piece of writing to date.
“Women have always had a unique fellowship of suffering,” Nicole says. Where is the woman old or young who will not shed a tear and silently scream in her heart as she walks in these pages through the diagnosis of breast cancer and the devastation that ensues?
While she focuses on the specific soul-chilling crisis, Nicole offers her readers broader insights for dealing with major losses of all kinds. She extends genuine hope and much-needed rays of light to those who are mired in hopelessness and despair. A “must” read for breast cancer patients and their loved ones.
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