Cecelia Ahern


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Have you ever imagined a different life?
Have you ever stood at a crossroads, undecided…Have you ever had a moment when you wanted to roar?
{"strong"=>["A story for every woman.
A story for every moment."]}
Whether you want to laugh
To be moved
To love
To feel less guilt
To cry
To be comforted
There is a story for you.
From Sunday Times bestselling author Cecelia Ahern comes a collection of witty, original and moving stories for women everywhere.
{"strong"=>["‘Funny, wise and weighty, in a very good way…read one or two of Ahern’s fables at a time [to] truly appreciate their wit, pathos and imagination.’ Independent“, "‘Witty, playful, entertaining but also thought-provoking, salutary and empowering’ Daily Mail“, “A Radio 2 Bookclub Choice.”], “br”=>[nil, nil]}
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  • Yaz Arreolamegosztott egy benyomást4 évvel ezelőtt
    💡Sokat tanultam


  • Soliloquios Literariosidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    Professor Montgomery smiles that beautiful smile. ‘I don’t place the blame solely on you. You can share it with society. I blame the adulation and sexualization of young women. I blame the focus on beauty and appearance, the pressure to conform to others’ expectations in a way that men are not required to.’
  • Soliloquios Literariosidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    ‘I have studied and written about this extensively; as women age, they are written out of the world, no longer visible on television or film, in fashion magazines, and only ever on daytime TV to advertise the breakdown of bodily functions and ailments, or promote potions and lotions to help battle ageing as though it were something that must be fought. Sound familiar?’
  • Soliloquios Literariosidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    There is no physical pain in disappearing. Emotionally, it’s another matter.


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