Warren W. Wiersbe

The BE Series Bundle: The Gospels

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Experience internationally known Bible teacher Warren W. Wiersbe's commentaries on the Gospels, now available in one edition. This collection contains: Be Loyal (Matthew), Be Diligent (Mark), Be Compassionate (Luke 1–13), Be Courageous (Luke 14–24), Be Alive (John 1–12), and Be Transformed (John 13–21).Be Loyal (Matthew): Gain a better understanding of the King of Kings in this commentary and study of the gospel of Matthew.Be Diligent (Mark): The gospel of Mark shares the life, love, and ministry of Christ, who provides the ultimate example for those longing to actively serve others and God.Be Compassionate (Luke 1–13): The life of Christ was marked by His compassion for people. This study explores the heartbeat of our Savior, and inspires us to share His compassion with the world around us. Based on the Minor Prophets of the Bible, this dynamic study examines the amazing ways in which God works in the hearts and lives of His people.Be Courageous (Luke 14–24): It takes courage to walk out our faith. Based on the courageous life of Christ, this study encourages us to trust God, stand for what we believe, and embrace fearless living.Be Alive (John 1–12): Grasp the significance behind Jesus' life and ministry in this commentary on the first half of the Gospel of John—and come to know the living Savior like never before.Be Transformed (John 13–21): Stand on the eternal promises of God and understand your role as a believer, both abiding in the Source and obeying Him as Lord, as beloved Bible teacher Dr. Warren Wiersbe leads you verse-by-verse through the second half of the Gospel of John.
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