Charles Stanley

How to Reach Your Full Potential for God

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Are you ready to experience God's best?
In How to Reach Your Full Potential for God, best-selling author, teacher, and pastor Dr. Charles F. Stanley lays out seven essentials to an abundant life?the life of purpose that God planned specifically for you. “You are not here by accident… You are here to accomplish a job that God assigned to you from eternity past.” If you settle for less than God's best in your life, the world will lose your contribution, and you will miss the exhilaration of reaching your full potential.   “It is an awesome, eye-opening, and inspiring thing to catch a glimpse of how God is working in your life?weaving together who He made you to be with those things He has prepared you to do and experience.” Chapter by chapter, Dr. Stanley makes the biblical path to fulfilling your God-given potential clear, practical, and inspiring. Follow it to experience the joy, peace, and love that your heavenly Father has waiting for you. Read these pages, embrace these principles, and enjoy every moment of life at its best.
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