Stewart M. Green

Best Climbs Denver and Boulder

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With Best Climbs, FalconGuides introduces a new type of guidebook to some of America's most popular climbing destinations. Written for nonlocal climbers who have only a few days to climb during each visit, these guides provides visually appealing, to-the-point information that filters out the classic routes and very best climbs.

Written by an expert local climber, each guide features:

- 150–200 routes of moderate difficulty, rarely rating above 5.11
- sections that each cover a different climbing area and route history
- detailed color topos
- stunning action photos
- a contemporary, exciting design

Best Climbs Denver & Boulder covers Eldorado Canyon, the Flatirons, Boulder Canyon, Golden Cliffs, Castlewood Canyon, the north section of the South Platte, and some toproping routes at Ironclads.
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