
Sold as Slave

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Agatha Simon, a young woman with a heavy burden on her shoulders, made a life-altering decision by signing a contract that would change her fate forever. Her father's debt had become an insurmountable obstacle, and in order to pay it off, she agreed to become a slave.

However, this agreement came with a catch — the only way to break free from her enslavement was to seduce the one and only billionaire, Lanceil Grim. As she embarked on her mission, Agatha found herself caught in a web of conflicting emotions. On the one hand, she was determined to succeed and gain her freedom. On the other hand, she couldn't help but feel drawn to Lanceil's charm and charisma.

Could she really pull off such a daring feat and escape the clutches of her contract if love and lust interfered? The stakes were high, and failure was not an option.

(Book 1 of the series)
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