Pittacus Lore

I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: Nine’s Legacy

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Number Nine—when John frees him from his cell in the Power of Xix, he's ferocious, reckless, and ready to fight back. But being held captive changes a person—even a Lorien. See what Nine was like before his capture, and read about his dramatic escape from his point of view.
In I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: Nine's Legacy: Nine's legacy, discover the story behind Nine. Before meeting John Smith, aka Number Four, before being held prisoner, Nine was hunting down Mogadorians in Chicago with his Cepan, Sandor. What happened there would change Nine forever. . . .
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  • rita121175megosztott egy benyomást6 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni


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