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Editors of REA

Chemistry Super Review – 2nd Ed

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REA's Chemistry Super ReviewGet all you need to know with Super Reviews!2nd EditionREA's Chemistry Super Review contains an in-depth review that explains everything high school and college students need to know about the subject. Written in an easy-to-read format, this study guide is an excellent refresher and helps students grasp the important elements quickly and effectively.Our Chemistry Super Review can be used as a companion to high school and college textbooks, or as a handy resource for anyone who wants to improve their chemistry skills and needs a fast review of the subject.Presented in a straightforward style, our review covers the material taught in a beginning-level chemistry course, including: atomic structure, bonding, chemical reactions, liquids, solids, gases, properties of solutions, chemical thermodynamics, and more. The book contains questions and answers to help reinforce what students learned from the review. Quizzes on each topic help students increase their knowledge and understanding and target areas where they need extra review and practice.
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