Nathan Shaw

A Defining Moment in History

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Freedom is in the foundation of the United States. Freedom was in the hearts of her founders. Freedom was promoted, established and protected through her Constitution. Freedom overflowed her towns and cities during the First and Second Great Awakenings. Now, however, these foundations of freedom are being challenged like never before.
It doesn't take a prophet to discern the obvious: This is a defining moment. Many things hang in the balance. 2020 was marked by a corona-virus pandemic, nationwide shut-downs, unprecedented economic challenges, issues of race relations, rioting and an increasingly intense political landscape.
In the midst of all the contention and strife, can you hear heaven's mandate for the United States? Great days of glory are yet ahead, but that doesn't mean there won't be a battle. A clarion call has gone out to a new breed of freedom fighter. The moment has arrived. There's no time to lose.
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