Jaclyn Moriarty

Gravity Is the Thing

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'Clever and magical' — Women's Weekly
'Author Jaclyn is the sister of Liane Moriarty (Big Little Lies) and has the same talent for great plots. This unusual novel tugs at the heartstrings.' — Good Housekeeping
Twenty years ago, Abigail Sorenson's brother Robert went missing one day before her sixteenth birthday, never to be seen again. That same year, she began receiving scattered chapters in the mail from a mysterious guidebook, whose anonymous authors promised to make her life soar to heights beyond her wildest dreams.
These missives have remained a constant in Abi's life — a befuddling yet oddly comforting voice through her family's grief over her brother's disappearance, a move across continents, the devastating dissolution of her marriage, and the new beginning as a single mother and café owner in Sydney.
Now, two decades after receiving those first pages, Abi is invited to learn 'the truth' about the book. It's an opportunity too intriguing to refuse — she believes its absurdity and her brother's disappearance must be connected. What follows is an entirely unexpected journey of discovery that will change Abi's life — and enchant readers.
Gravity Is the Thing is a smart, unusual, wickedly funny novel — heart-warming and life-affirming.
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  • reiyah2309idézett3 évvel ezelőtt
    Just spend five minutes a day learning a language, doing crosswords, doing sudoku! Just spend thirty minutes a day walking, meditating, praying, swimming laps, learning a musical instrument, volunteering, having quality time with your children! Just the price of a cup of coffee. Line-dry in shade. Pop it in the freezer. Jump in a cab. Wash in warm, soapy water. Eat this, consider this, you MUST. READ. THIS.
  • Cris Loidézett3 évvel ezelőtt
    Introductions. They seem like a fascinating idea at first, and then, what are they? Just a bunch of names and résumés.
  • Elza Holtidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    Eventually, you will find the kindness to forgive your former self for hope, and for mistakes, and the courage to angle the anger in the right direction


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