Amy Shojai

Aging Cat

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Filled with comprehensive cat reference material from interviews withover 100 veterinary experts, this award-winning book answers all yourmust-know questions. You'll find heartwarming chicken soup -likestories, and the latest developments in veterinary care advice for catshealth care for old cats, this is the definitive guide for keepingsenior cats vital, happy, and active throughout their golden years.You'll learn:

How to entice your older cat into getting more exercise
What changes to expect as your cat ages--and which changes are natural and which are warning signs that should send you to the veterinarian
Which pet-specific over-the-counter cat medications every owner should keep on hand
How to use the L.O.V.E. Program to keep your cat loving longer and living better
Tips on everything from choosing the right products and cat foods for your aging cat How to offer old cats nursing care at home for common old cat conditions
Information about cat symptoms and feline treatments for cat kidney disease, hyperthyroidism in cats, cat urinary tract infection, cats and diabetes, blind cat, deaf cat, cat stroke, feline diarrhea, cat constipation, old cats not eating, litter box problems and more.

Filled with heartwarming stories of successful senior citizen cats, the latest developments in treating feline illnesses in old cats, age-defying tips, and comprehensive reference material, this is the definitive guide to turning back the clock on aging--and keeping senior cats vital, happy, and active throughout their golden years.
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