Ronald L. Bond

Retail in Detail

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Since it was first published, Retail in Detail has helped tens of thousands of retail business owners successfully start and run their businesses. It has established a reputation as a no-nonsense, down-to-earth guide for small retailers. This fifth edition has been fully updated for today’s rapidly changing retail environment in the Internet age. A new chapter contains specific tips on using the Internet for marketing and two-way communication with customers. New sections cover becoming an e-tailer, including choosing a domain name, processing credit cards, shipping and receiving, and other Internet-specific issues. Brick-and-mortar retailers learn how to assess product vulnerability to competition from Internet businesses. This essential reference contains many specific examples and case studies, based on the author’s experiences starting and successfully operating three retail stores and a bed and breakfast, as well as on the experiences of dozens of successful entrepreneurs. Worksheets can be used by beginning retailers to plan for and operate their business.
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