Tom De Haven

Funny Papers

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Book One of the Funny Papers Trilogy, De Haven’s dazzling tour of twentieth-century America, FUNNY PAPERS chronicles cartoon icon Derby Dugan's beginnings in the rough-and-tumble world of yellow journalism in turn-of-the-century New York, when Hearst and Pulitzer owned tabloid America. The aptly named Georgie Wreckage, a sketch artist for Pulitzer's daily World, rockets to fame as the creator of what becomes a hugely successful cartoon franchise.
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  • alexishallidézett9 évvel ezelőtt
    other trappings of magical American wealth. This sanctum had been constructed for Joseph Pulitzer, the World’s owner and publisher, but he had never used it, not once in twelve years. Picture a mouse on the window seat, and everywhere cobwebs like Florida moss.
    Pulitzer controlled his newspaper by telephone and encoded cable, spending his days in soundproof mansions or on board s
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