Samantha Chase

Trust in Me

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Book #2 in Samantha Chase's popular Montgomery seriesAll work and no play… would make Jason Montgomery a very happy man. Ever since his brother had married a woman who worked for their company, Jason has been walking around fending off the unwanted advances of all of the single women in his employ. Now, with a make or break business expansion in the works, Jason needs an assistant he can trust not to mix business with romance.For three years Maggie Barrett has happily hid in the shadows of Montgomery's. After dealing with her own unwanted advances from her previous employer, staying under the radar was working just fine for her. But now she's thrown into the spotlight as Jason's assistant because he believes her to be a safe choice because she's married.The only problem? She's not.Working in close proximity wasn't supposed to be an issue. The lines of their relationship were clearly defined. But when a mutual respect turns into a mutual attraction how will Maggie explain that the only thing holding Jason back was just a little white lie?Montgomery Brothers Series: Wait for Me (Book 1) Trust in Me (Book 2) Stay with Me (Book 3) Return to You (Book 4) Meant for You (Book 5) What readers say about the Montgomery Brothers series: "e;The Montgomery brothers are perfect romance! Love it, love it, love it! "e;Great storyline, strong characters-a great read."e; "e;I laughed, cried, felt excitement and sadness, all in a good way."e; "e;An adventure in reading. Can't wait to see what is in store for the other Montgomerys."e;
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  • b1402165387idézett3 évvel ezelőtt
    everything all right?” his father asked frantically.
    “I have to go. I’ll talk to you over the weekend
  • Jovana Stojkovicidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    How about you point me in the direction of your bedroom and we can compare notes
  • Danicaidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    Maggie never argued, and actually seemed relieved not to have to traipse along with him everywhere he went.


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