Beverly Barton,Linda Howard,Linda Winstead Jones


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{"strong"=>["They live among us… They are more than human…"]}
{"strong"=>["INFERNO"], “em”=>["by New York Times bestseller Linda Howard”]}
The Raintree clan are under attack and, as king — with fire at his fingertips — it’s up to Dante Raintree to protect his family. Then Lorna Clay walks into his life. Dante faces a battle against the wizards of the Ansara. Is he powerful and ruthless enough to vanquish his enemies and claim his mate?
{"strong"=>["HAUNTED"], “em”=>[" by RITA® Award winner Linda Winstead Jones”]}
Homicide detective Gideon Raintree is on the trail of a relentless serial killer, a dark Ansara wizard, when he is given an alluring new partner he doesn’t want. Suddenly, even with all his ‘special talents’, they are in a race against time to save the whole Raintree family…and their unborn child.
{"strong"=>["SANCTUARY"], “em”=>[" by New York Times bestseller Beverly Barton”]}
For Mercy Raintree, war means she must become the guardian of the Sanctuary — the secret Raintree home. Judah, leader of the Ansara, claims the right to kill Mercy, personally. But then he comes face to face with her — and her daughter, Eve. Will Mercy’s secret change the future? An incredible paranormal trilogy!
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