Haidi Wigger Klaris

The Heir to the Demon Ruler #1: The Book of Shadows

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When 17-year-old Ally moves into Larchwood Academy, a prestigious boarding school housed in an old manor house,she has to settle into a new life of friendship, romance, tradition, and mystery. One day, she visits an old church ruin near the school, where she happens upon the secret entrance to an underground room. Local lore has it, that the room was used for the practice of black magic in the 19th century. Soon after, the late mistress of Larchwood, Catherine Larchin, starts haunting her dreams in which she demands that Ally looks for an ancient spell book rumoured to contain a source of immense power. But when Ally learns that the school is also home to a secret circle of students in search of the book, she begins to wonder who of her new friends she can trust and who may be harbouring evil intentions.
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  • Roro Aaaidézettelőző év
    When we reached the lake, some of our classmates were already down there. Some of them had sat down on the stones around a fire pit, while others had retreated into the darkness to get some privacy. In the tall grass close to the fire was a worn-out boom box, and an unknown rock band screamed its suffering into the atmosphere.
  • Roro Aaaidézettelőző év
    denser and denser


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