a lack of time isn’t always a bad thing – sometimes, it can actually help you to have ideas.
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A Scottish physicist once told him: “We often talk about the Three B’s: the Bus, the Bath, and the Bed. That’s where the great discoveries are made in our science
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People are generally much more receptive to ideas if they feel some ownership and if you let them participate in the creative process.
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Composers of movie music often draw inspiration from the title. Ron Goodwin, who wrote the music for several big war movies, was keen on this technique. For the movie 633 Squadron, he used the title to inspire the main rhythm: a rapid six beats followed by a slow three beats (one-two-three-four-five-six-ONE-TWO-THREE).
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USEFUL DISTRACTIONS The best type of distraction is a mundane task that needs some concentration. For the composer, that might be sorting papers or research, but it could also be non-musical, such as mowing the lawn.
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The inventor Thomas Edison liked to go fishing. He had no intention of catching fish: he simply wanted time to himself.
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Physical activity Getting up and pacing around, or going for a walk or a jog, can click your brain into another gear. The activity gets your circulation going, making you more alert, and the change of scene will stimulate your mind.