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Gail Honeyman

Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine

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Eleanor Oliphant has learned how to survive — but not how to live
Eleanor Oliphant leads a simple life. She wears the same clothes to work every day, eats the same meal deal for lunch every day and buys the same two bottles of vodka to drink every weekend.
Eleanor Oliphant is happy. Nothing is missing from her carefully timetabled life. Except, sometimes, everything.
One simple act of kindness is about to shatter the walls Eleanor has built around herself. Now she must learn how to navigate the world that everyone else seems to take for granted — while searching for the courage to face the dark corners she’s avoided all her life.
Change can be good. Change can be bad. But surely any change is better than… fine?
‘Moving, funny and devastating’ The Herald
‘Unforgettable, brilliant, funny and life-affirming’ Daily Mail
‘I adored it. Skilled, perceptive, Eleanor's world will feel familiar to you from the very first page. An outstanding debut!’ Joanna Cannon
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  • aicirtaPmegosztott egy benyomást4 évvel ezelőtt

    Sigo pensando en este libro. Es de esos que te imaginas la segunda parte.

  • Ariela Sclarmegosztott egy benyomást3 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni

    La historia de Eleanor Oliphant rompió y reparó mi corazón varias veces, recordándome el poder que tiene ser amable con los demás.

  • Julieta Delgadomegosztott egy benyomást3 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni

    No pude soltar este libro (o más bien mi celular) hasta terminarlo. es de esos raros en los que lo interesante no son las situaciones sino la voz del personaje.


  • Tanya Korolevaidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    When people ask me what I do—taxi drivers, hairdressers—I tell them I work in an office. In almost nine years, no one’s ever asked what kind of office, or what sort of job I do there. I can’t decide whether that’s because I fit perfectly with their idea of what an office worker looks like, or whether people hear the phrase work in an office and automatically fill in the blanks themselves—lady doing photocopying, man tapping at a keyboard.
  • Fer Silvaidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    Grief is the price we pay for love, so they say. The price is far too high
  • ;idézett6 évvel ezelőtt
    I do exist, don’t I? It often feels as if I’m not here, that I’m a figment of my own imagination.


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