Fergus Henderson,Justin Piers Gellatly

The Complete Nose to Tail

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The Complete Nose to Tail is an exhilarating compendium that brings together maverick chef Fergus Henderson’s two acclaimed cookbooks—Whole Beast and Beyond Nose to Tail. 
Adventurous palates as well as some of the most famous names in the food world—including Mario Batali, Anthony Bourdain, Jamie Oliver, and Daniel Boulud—flock to Fergus Henderson’s London restaurant, St. John, to indulge in his culinary artistry. A conscientious and resourceful chef who lives by the motto “Nose to Tail,” Henderson advocates using everything that is possibly edible of fowl, beast, and fish, creating dishes that fuse high sophistication with a strong tradition of rustic thriftiness.
The Complete Nose to Tail presents Henderson’s complete culinary oeuvre: recipes that offer a unique and delicious eating experience. Both refined and curious eaters can enjoy a taste of the wild side with such dishes as Pig’s Trotter Stuffed with Potato, Rabbit Wrapped in Fennel and Bacon, and Roast Bone Marrow and Parsley Salad, as well as sumptuous familiar fare, including Deviled Crab; Smoked Haddock, Mustard, and Saffron; and Green Beans, Shallots, Garlic, and Anchovies. There are desserts, too: sublime puddings, such as the St. John Eccles Cakes, and the timeless favorite Chocolate Ice Cream.
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