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Nick Mamatas

The People's Republic of Everything

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“[Mamatas] is the People's Commissar of Awesome.”
—China Miéville, author of Embassytown

Welcome to the People's Republic of Everything—of course, you've been here for a long time already. Make yourself at home alongside a hitman who always tells the truth, no matter how reality has to twist itself to suit; electric matchstick girls who have teamed up with Friedrich Engels; a telepathic boy and his father's homemade nuclear bomb; a very bad date that births an unforgettable meme; and a dog who simply won't stop howling on social media.
The People's Republic of Everything features a decade's worth of crimes, fantasies, original fiction, and the author's preferred text of the acclaimed short novel Under My Roof.
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339 nyomtatott oldalak
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  • Kate Elmegosztott egy benyomást4 évvel ezelőtt

    Eh, I couldn't get into the stories in this anthology.


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