Lisa Bevere

It's Not How You Look, It's What You See

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«Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.» —Jonathan Swift 1667–1745You are what you have. You are how you look. You are who you know.  Our culture endlessly echoes these lies that hold many men and women captive. Your value, our world says, is a matter of sight—clothes, cars, youth, power, and beauty will make you worth something. But you don't have to measure yourself by the world's standards.You are not what they see. You are who God sees. In It's Not How You Look, It's What You See Lisa Bevere exposes the lie. With a candid account of her personal struggles with self-worth and body image, Lisa shows you how the battle for value can be fought and won. If you struggle with understanding your identity or worth, the truths in this book will set you free.God hasn't asked you to measure up to some ideal man or woman. His plan for your life is uniquely yours. Discover it today!
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